"The Sentinel"
"Flight through Time"
"Stone Birds"
"Rock Stars"
"Opal of Queensland"
"Rays at Play"
"Glazier Melt"
"Icy Blue"
"Bubble Reef"
Heart of Springs"
"Life within Koroit"
"Koroit Dancing"
"Coming Out"
"Jelly Moment"
"Desert Surprise"
"Shaman's Cave"
"Koroit Mesa"
"Ali Baba's Portal"
"Natural Arch"
"Genie in the Lamp"
The Visitor"
"By the Sea"
"Storm Bird"
"Waterbird Dreaming"
"Opal Wonder"
"Ceremonial Spears"
"Warriors Greetings"
"Opal Within"
"Antarctic Melt"
"Sea Serpent's Egg"
"The Lorax"
"Cradle of Life"
"Beautiful Koroit"
"Avatar and the Apprentice"
"Jabiru Dreaming"
"New Born"